2021年4月27日 (火) 11:26時点におけるVaccipedia.admin (トーク | 投稿記録)による版
Cryptosporidium spp.
- especially C. paravum, C. hominis
- worldwide
- 2nd important pathogen for moderate-severe diarrhea before 1 year of life
- repeated outbreaks even in developed countries with huge number of cases
- human excretes 100 mil. cysts per day
- calf excretes 10 bil. cysts per day
- water chlorination does not prevent tap water borne infection
life cycle
- calf is reservoir of C. hominis
- resistant to chlorinated water
- auto-infection in host intestine
- survive >1 year in 4-6℃ cold water
- vulnerable to dry environment
- oocyst contains 4 sporozoites
clinical features
- incubation 1-12 days
- symptoms 1-2 weeks
- watery diarrhea
- abd cramps
- bloating
- fever, malaise
- weight loss
- often self-limiting
- problemable in children in developing countries, immunocompromised
- fecal microscopy
- Ziehl-Neelsen stain
- Auramine stain
- nitazoxianide
- paromomycin