2021年4月22日 (木) 17:02時点におけるVaccipedia.admin (トーク | 投稿記録)による版
- phylum Sarcomastigophorea, class Zoomastigophorea, genus Leishmania
- Plasmodium belongs to phylum Apicomplexa
- single flagellum
- kinetoplast
- similar to Trypanosoma
- 700,000 - 1 mil. new cases per year
20,000-30,000 deaths per year
life cycle
- parasitize in human macrophage
- promastigote - 10-25 μm
- with flagellum
- phagocytized by macrophage
- amastigote - 2-4 μm
- transform from promastigote and propagate inside macrophage
- transform to promastigote inside sandfly midgut
- simpler than Trypanosoma
- vector: sandfly
- host: human, dog, rodent
clinical manifestation
visceral leishmania
- most serious
- same as Kala-azar
- Latin "black fever"
- fever
- weight loss
- hepatosplenomegaly
- anemia
- 50,000-90,000 new cases per year
- mainly children affected
- India, Ethiopia, South Sudan, Brazil
- L. donovani
- India, Africa
- anthroponotic = maintained in human-to-human infection
- L. infantum (formerly L. chagasi was thought separated species)
- Mediterranean, China, South America
- dog is reservoir
post kala-azar dermal leishmanisis (PKDL)
- skin manifestation after completion of Tx of visceral leishmaniasis
- macular type, papular type, nodular type
- Leishmania may be detected from skin specimen in some cases
- possible reservoir
cutaneous leishmania
- most common