Viral hepatitis
2021年4月20日 (火) 13:34時点におけるVaccipedia.admin (トーク | 投稿記録)による版
hepatitis virus
- viral hepatitis is 4th major infectious disease worldwide
- virus hepatitis is still increasing year by year
- >250 mil. people living with viral hepatitis
- hep B highly prevalent sub-Saharan children <5y/o
- virus hepatitis has added to one of SDGs in 2016
hep A
- food-borne, water-borne
- infection route in Japan
- mainly by raw oyster in HIV-negative
- mainly MSM in HIV-positive
hep E
- water-borne, contaminated meat-borne
- incompletely cooked deer meat, pig intestine or liver
- non-enveloped, positive-sense, single-stranded RNA virus
- endemic in East to Southeast Asia
- genotype 4 is strongly associated to fluminant hepatitis
- hep E vaccine has already established in China
hep B
- family Hepadonavirus
- transmission route
- vertical
- horizontal
- sexually transmitted
- sharing needles
- 240 mil. hep B carriers worldwide
- 0.5 mil. death per year
- highly infectious; 10 virus copies are enough to infection
- genotypes B and C prevalent in Asia
- A in Europe
acute hep B
- genotype A is increasing in Japan
- 10% of genotype A carrier develope chronic carrier
- 6.3% of hep B carrier are co-infected by hep C