
ナビゲーションに移動 検索に移動
# Communicate findings
==second attack rate(SAR)==
*proportion of individuals who are exposed to an infectious agent who become ill
<math>SAR=\frac{number_of_becoming_ill}{number_of_exposed}</math> ==reproduction number=====basic reproduction number===*average number of becoming ill}{secondary cases caused by a single primary case in a fully susceptible population ===effective reproduction number===*actual number of exposed}secondary cases per single primary case ==time course==*incubation period**followed by symptomatic p.*symptomatic p.  *latent (pre-infectious) p.**followed by infectious p.*infectious p.  *serial interval**time from <u>illness onset of primary case</u> to <u>illness onset of secondary case caused by primary case</u>*generation time**time from <u>infection of primary case</u> to /u>infection of secondary case caused by primary case</mathu>
