!table ''v1''|create a !one-way table of ''v1'' with simple statistics!two-way!options
!table |<pre>table v1</pre>create a one-way table<br> of ''v1 v2''with '''simple''' statistics|<pre>table v1 v2</pre>create a two-way table <br> of ''v1'' in row† and ''v2'' in column†|<pre>statistics( )</pre>
!tabulate |<pre>tabulate v1</pre>create a one-way table<br> of ''v1''with '''detailed''' statistics|<pre>tabulate v1 v2</pre>create a onetwo-way table of <br> with ''v1'' with detailed statisticsin row† and ''v2'' in column&dagger|<pre>chi2</pre><nowiki>*</nowiki>only for two-way<pre>summarize(v3)</pre>
!tabulate ''tabstat|<pre>tabstat v1 v2''</pre>|create a twoone-way table of ''v1'' in row† and ''v2'' in column†<br>almost same as with detailed statistics|<nowiki>*</nowiki>no two- or multiple-way table ''v1 v2''|-!summarize
† row = transverse direction, column = longitudinal direction