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1,026 バイト追加 、 2021年5月14日 (金) 09:54
ページの作成:「SARS in 2003 HPV rabies vac in Japan when to repeat PrEP for rabies? *case 1 **give information possible diseases during the travel, such as zika, rabies, yellow feve…」
SARS in 2003


rabies vac in Japan

when to repeat PrEP for rabies?

*case 1
**give information possible diseases during the travel, such as zika, rabies, yellow fever, measles, exacerbation of his chronic illness exp. diabetes and coronary disease
**confirm his immunization status as much as possible and propose to do serological tests for measles and rubella
**give information about possible travel restriction regarding YF vaccine and discuss whether or not to get shot
**recommend vaccines of measles, rubella, PPSV23, tetanus toxoid according to his immunization status
**discuss with him whether to do rabies PrEP
**prescribe acetazolamide for 3-4 days, give direction to start 24hrs before ascending and keep for 2 days on high altitude, as well as to secure emergency descending when he gets AMS symptoms like headache, difficulty to sleep, malaise, loss of appetite
**advise when to use insulin and to keep diabetes emergency card with him
**advise to keep repellent during travel except for high altitude area
