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General issues of Vaccine | |||||||
General issues of Travel med. | ||||||||
Immunology | |||||||
Epi & Stats | ||||||||||||
Virus | |||||||||||||||||||
COVID-19 | |||||
Bacteria | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Rickettsia | |||||
Protozoa | ||||||||||||||||
Fungi | |||||||
Nematode (roundworm) | |||||||||||||||||
Trematode (fluke, distoma) | |||||||
Cestode (tapeworm) | ||||||
Medical Zoology | ||||||||
- most deadly fungus in the world
- Coccidioides immitis & C. posadasii
- コクシジオイデス症とは|感染研
- southwest US
- 70% of US cases concentrated in AZ, 20% in CA
- geographical association of creosote bush in AZ
- San Joaquin Valley in CA, "Valley fever"
- spores fly into town from deserts miles away
- some central and south American countries
- live in 10-20 cm underground soil
- dimorphic fungus
- filamentous in environment - arthroconidia
- cultured coccidia is impossible to distinguish from other filamentous fungi macroscopically
- yeast form in human parasitism - spherules
- filamentous in environment - arthroconidia
- incubation 1-4 weeks
- recurrence/reactivation possible for years even in decades
- all healthy people susceptible
- African American > Hispanic > Asian > Caucasian
- very short time exposure may cause disease
- even during transit at an airport in endemic area
- earthquake in 1994 developed massive landslide in the valley, resulting in dispersion and spreading of spores and large outbreak of Valley fever
- if accidentally cultured on petri dish, it is quite easily dispersed in aerosol = laboratory infection, highly biohazardous
- no human to human transmission
- the yeasts proliferate by endospore forming, clearly different from filamentous proliferation by sporing in environment
- lab infection including autopsy or inappropriate handling of specimen possible
Clinical features
- acute pulmonary form
- most common
- influenza like
- erythema nodosum
- EN in coccidiomycosis is allergic reaction, not infectious
- spontaneous relief in most cases
- diffuse pneumonia form
- fatal
- mostly in immunocompromised
- chronic pulmonary form
- most common in Japan cases
- cough, hemoptysis
- weight loss
- low grade fever
- or asymptomatic with incidental discovering of lung lesions
- cavity development possible leading to rupture of the cavity and pneumothorax
- disseminated form
- meninge - mild symptoms
- skin
- bone
- multiple organs in the most severe case
- 50-60% acute form
- 10% chronic form
- 1% disseminated form
- pathology of skin/lung
- smear of sputum
- culture is very dangerous except for special laboratory
- serology for antibody or antigen
- no treatment and follow up in asymptomatic/mild/no risk factor
- azoles - fluconazole, itraconazole, posazonacol
- liposomal AMPH-B in serious and pregnant