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General issues of Vaccine | |||||||
General issues of Travel med. | ||||||||
Immunology | |||||||
Epi & Stats | ||||||||||||
Virus | |||||||||||||||||||
COVID-19 | |||||
Bacteria | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Rickettsia | |||||
Protozoa | ||||||||||||||||
Fungi | |||||||
Nematode (roundworm) | |||||||||||||||||
Trematode (fluke, distoma) | |||||||
Cestode (tapeworm) | ||||||
Medical Zoology | ||||||||
Onchocerca volvulus
Intermediate host | |
Category | blackfly ブヨ, female |
Latin | genus Simulium |
Inward infection | blood-feeding of human |
Organ | midgut |
Reproduction | asexual |
Course | microfilariae has no sheath
Detection | |
Outward transmission | blood-feeding of human |
Definitive host | |
Category | HUMAN |
Latin | |
Inward infection | blood-feeding by female blackfly |
Organ | skin, lymphatics, blood, urine |
Reproduction | sexual |
Course |
Detection |
Outward transmission | blood-feeding by female blackfly |
- Skin snipping による皮膚断片の培養と顕微鏡下観察
- 高浸淫地では有用だが,低感度なので有病割合が低下すると有用性が劣る
- Onchocerca vulvolsのIgG4抗体および抗原をimmunochromatographで検出
- for microfilariae
- ivermectin is effective only for microfilariae
- only one dose of ivermectin 150 µg/kg (both for children and adults) significantly decrease microfilariae load that lasts a year or more
- every 6 month repetition
- If use diethylcarbamazepine (DEC) for onchocerciasis it kills microfilariae inside skin and develops severe allergic reaction against dead microfilariae on skin
- for adult
- doxycycline is effective for Wolbachia resulting in killing of 60% and sterlizing 80-90% of female adult