Overview of protozoa
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Virus | |||||||||||||||||||
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Bacteria | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Rickettsia | |||||
Protozoa | ||||||||||||||||
Fungi | |||||||
Nematode (roundworm) | |||||||||||||||||
Trematode (fluke, distoma) | |||||||
Cestode (tapeworm) | ||||||
Medical Zoology | ||||||||
Protozoa is motile
unicellular and eukaryote.
feature | intestine (cyst or oocyst) |
blood, RBC | tissue | |
Amoeba アメーバ |
Flagellata 鞭毛虫 |
Apicomplexa アピコンプレクサ門 |
- Plasmodium spp. とCryptosporidium spp.の生活環は似ている
- oocystの中にsporozoiteが含まれている
- "oo" means egg
- ただしCはoocystで伝播するがPはoocystによる伝播ではない
- oocystの中にsporozoiteが含まれている
Reproduction of protozoa
asexual (fission) |
sexual (zygote) |
both of asexual and sexual |
By form
- cyst: Entamoeba hystolytica
- oocyst: Cryptosporidium spp.
By route
- fecal-oral: Giarida intestinalis
- vector-borne: Trypanosoma spp., Plasmodium spp., Leishmania spp.
- air-borne: nothing
- vertical: Toxoplasma gondii
- broad spectrum against protozoas and helminths