Humanitarian emergency
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definition of humanitarian emergency
- crude mortality?
- doubling of mortality?
- covered by international media?
- spectacular?
change depending on what and where
ten priorities in emergency
1. initial health assessment
- must be done in a few days
- not necessarily in the true beginning of the affair
2. measles and other vaccines
- priority regardless of vaccination coverage
3. water and sanitation
- improvement of water supply and sanitation reduce mortality by diarrheal diseases
- quantity comes first
- 20L/person/day
4. food and nutrition
- quantity deprivation
- protein and energy malnutrition
- quality deprivation
- vitamin deprivation
- MUAC - mid-upper arm circumference
- using a colored plastic band
- predictor of risk of death <115mm
- overestimate in younger as well as underestimate in eldery
5. shelters and site planning
- to avoid hypothermia and respiratory illness
- overcrowding is risk
- standard
- 3.5 m2 /person
- 30 m2 /person overall
- standard
6. curative activities
- referral hospital
- central facility
- peripheral facility
- outreach
7. control of communicable diseases
- diarrhea
- measles
- malaria
8. surveillance
- first to survey of mortality
9. human resources and training
- equitable sex ratio and ethnic repartition
- comply with local laws
- support, not drain local resources
10. coordination
- common problems
- duplication of activities
- refugees are better off than local population
natural disaster
what MSF does
- surveillance and monitoring
- independent assessment
- scale of disaster
- actors present
- call for int'l help
- accessibility and security
- response
- logistics
- medical
- reevaluation
- latrine 仮設トイレ
- famine 飢饉