Malnutrition and Micronutrient
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- 1 programs
- 2 partners
- 3 viscious cycle
- 4 diagnosis
- 5 types of malnutrition
- 6 pathological change
- 7 treatment
- 8 forecasting emergency
- 9 definitions
- 10 thiamine (vit.B1)
- 11 riboflavin (vit.B2)
- 12 niacin (vit.B3)
- 13 pyridoxine (vit.B6)
- 14 cobalamin (vit.B12)
- 15 folic acid
- 16 vitamin A
- 17 zinc
- 18 iodine
- 19 Konzo
- 20 lathyrism
- food programs
- general food distribution
- selective food distribution
- nutritional programs
- therapeutic feeding for SAM
- supplementary feeding for MAM
- targeted supplementary feeding programs - more curative
- blanket supplementary feeding - more preventive
viscious cycle
- malnutrition
- lowered resistance, immunity
- infection
- poor appetite, decreased ingestion
- high energy utilization
- circle back to 1
Dx of acute malnutrition
- weight for height (W/H)
- low means wasting - acute malnutrition
- height for age (H/A)
- low means stunting - chronic malnutrition
- W/A
- low means complexity of acute and chronic - wasting and stunting "WaSt"
- WaSt correlates with mortality
- BMI (W/H2)
- <115mm severe acute malnutrition (SAM)
- 115-125mm moderate acute malnutrition (MAM)
- MUAC strongly correlates with mortality
reference standard of anthropometry
- National Center for Health S (NCHS) - older
- WHO Growth Standards 2006 - newer
- Z-score [math]\displaystyle{ =\frac{actual\ value - reference\ median\ value}{standard\ deviation\ of\ reference\ population} }[/math]
types of malnutrition
- acute m.
- Marasmus
- muscle atrophy
- MUAC <115mm
- Kwashiorkor
- bilateral pitting edema
- moon face
- higher death risk than malasmus
- Marasmus
- chronic m./stunting
- low H/A
- micronutrient deficiency
- severe acute malnutrition SAM
- moderate acute malnutrition MAM
- global acute malnutrition GAM - SAM+MAM
- WHO sets interventional threshold at GAM in 15% of population
marasmus (waste)
- 45.4 mil. children estimated in wasting in 2021
- 25.0 mil. in Asia
- "old man faces"
- West Africa and hos spot in Zimbabwe in 2016
- bilateral pitting edema
- press for 3 seconds
- grade 1 localized to feet, grade 2 extends to lower legs, grade 3 systemic (check forehead)
- apathetic, irritable
- pathogenesis is still controversial and indefinite
- often misdiagnosed
marasmus and kwashiorkor
- marasmic kwashiorkor may exist
- clinical intervention is same for both condition
- effort to distinguish is useful for epidemiology and investigation of pathogenesis of kwashiorkor
pathological change
- heart smaller weaker
- brain smaller
- dietary
- therapeutic milk
- ready to use therapeutic food (RUTF)
- systematic - for complications
- antibiotics, HIV screening, etc.
- community-based management of acute malnutrition - CMAM
- stabilization phase
- rehabilitation phase
forecasting emergency
- sentinel surveillance
- global early warning systems
- country-specific warning systems
- macronutrients
- carbohydrates
- protein
- fats
- micronutrients
- vitamins
- water soluble - not stored in body
- fat soluble - stored in body
- vitamins
- minerals
- combination of most staple foods provide sufficient protein
classification based on pathogenicity by deficiency
- type 1
- deficiency causes direct symptoms but no effect on growth
- type 2
- deficiency causes failure to growth but no direct symptoms
thiamine (vit.B1)
- Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome in alcoholics
beriberi or thiamine deficiency disorder (TDD)
- polished rice diets
- peripheral neuropathy
- wet beriberi
- adult beriberi is decreasing
- infantile beriberi
- continuous crying
- pitting edema
untreated HIV increases vit.B group deficiency
riboflavin (vit.B2)
- no clear deficiency disorder
niacin (vit.B3)
- maize (corn) based diets
- symptoms
- 3Ds
- dermatitis
- photosensitivity/solar dermatitis
- diarrhea
- depression/dementia
- dermatitis
- insomnia, lethergy
- 3Ds
- maize (corn) contains less bioavailable niacin and tryptophan that is precursor of niacin
pyridoxine (vit.B6)
- no clear deficiency disorder
cobalamin (vit.B12)
- megaloblastic anemia
folic acid
- megaloblastic anemia
vitamin A
- eye involvement
- xerophthalmia
- scurvy
- subclinical vit.A deficiency is associated with decreased immunity and increased risk of infection of and/or death by measles
- zinc supplementation increase survival of diarrheal patients
- diet with poorly processed bitter cassava
- high intake of cyanogenic glucosides from cassava
- acute myeloneuropathy
- grass pea, chickling pea, kesari dal, almorta
- Lathyrus spp., L. sativus
- Ethiopia, Bangladesh, India, Nepal
- scissoring gait - gluteal muscle atrophy