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General issues of Vaccine
General issues of Tropical med.
General issues of Travel med.
Trematode (fluke, distoma)
- This page was created at 15th Feb 2023
Function of spleen against specific pathogens
Serious infections under apslenic condition
Vaccines specifically recommended for aspleniaImmunization schedules for asplenia
Catch-up schedules for asplenia with unimmunized for each of vaccine
Hib if unimmunized
Pneumococcal if unimmunized
Meningococcal if unimmunized
years < 1
- 3-4 Hib as Official Routine Schedules
- 3-4 PCV13 as Official Routine Schedules
- PPSV23: wait until ≥ 2 years old
- Wait until ≥ 2 years old
- consider unapproved imported MenACWY-CRM
years < 1
1 ≤ years < 2
- 2 Hib [0, 8w]
- of which 1 dose as Official Catch-up Schedules
- 2 PCV13 [0, 60d] as Official Routine Schedules
- PPSV23: wait until ≥ 2 years old
1 ≤ years < 2
2 ≤ years < 5
- 2 PCV13 [0, 8w]
- of which 1 dose as Official Catch-up Schedules
- if PPSV23 precedes, 1 year after the precedent PPSV23
- 2 PPSV23 [0, 5y]
- 8 weeks after the last PCV13
2 ≤ years < 5
5 ≤ years < 6
- 1 PCV13 as Official Catch-up Schedules
- if PPSV23 precedes, 1 year after the precedent PPSV23
- 2 PPSV23 [0, 5y]
- 8 weeks after the last PCV13
5 ≤ years < 6
6 ≤ years <10
- 1 PCV13
- if PPSV23 precedes, 1 year after the precedent PPSV23
- 2 PPSV23 [0, 5y]
- 8 weeks after the last PCV13
6 ≤ years <10
10 ≤ years
10 ≤ years
Before a scheduled splenectomy
Post-splenectomy and congenital asplenia