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General issues of Vaccine
General issues of Tropical med.
General issues of Travel med.
Trematode (fluke, distoma)
role of surgery in public health
- primary prevention
- circumcision - 60% protective against HIV
- protective bilateral mastectomy for genetically susceptible women
- protective salpingo-oophorectomy to prevent breast cancer
- secondary prevention
- reduce disease morbidity and mortality
- improve QOL
- diagnostic roles
- biopsy
- diagnositic peritoneal lavage
- curative surgery
- early solid tumor resection
- appendectomy
- palliative care
- obstructive colon cancer
- tumor debulking
- colostomy placement
- draining pleural effusion in lung metastasis
- trauma care
- global burden of surgical diseases 11%
- 28-32% amenable to surgical care
- 2 bil. people who need surgery do not undergo surgery
- 4.8 bil. people unable to access to surgery
- common surgical operations in district hospitals (<100 beds, covers 500,000-1mil.) Uganda, Tanzania and Mozambique
- trauma
- obstetric emergencies
- intra/extra abd emergencies
- simple elective procedures
essential and emergency surgery
- injury
- primary trauma care
- simple soft tissue injuries - laceration
- hemorrhage control
- closed/open fracture care
- craniotomy, thoracotomy, laparotomy
- rehabilitation
- obstetric emergencies
- obstructed labor
- antepartum/postpartum hemorrhage
- rupture of ectopic pregnancy
- c-section
- intra/extra abd emergencies
- acute abdomen
- abscess and inra
- elective surgical procedure
- hernia
- hydrocele
- superficial tumors