Lymphatic filariasis
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Nematode (roundworm) | |||||||||||||||||
Trematode (fluke, distoma) | |||||||
Cestode (tapeworm) | ||||||
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- ヒト体内でadultから生まれたmicrofilariaは吸血で蚊に移行し,蚊の体内で3回moltを繰り返してL3 larvaeに至る.
- L3は1.7mmまで体長を増し,吸血によって蚊の体外に放出され,蚊が生じた穿刺口等から皮内に侵入する
- 1.7mmもの体長のlarvaeがどうやって体長10mmに満たない蚊の体内で共存できるのか?
- Onchocerciasisのヒト体内の病態生理はmicrofilariaによるが,lymphatic filariasisはadultによる.
- Lymphatic filariasisでリンパ浮腫を生じている患者の下肢をエコーで観察すると,拡張したリンパ管内で蠢くadult filariaを観察できる.
Filarial dance under ultrasonography
Brugia malayi
Intermediate host | |
Category | mosquito, female |
Latin | Mansonia spp., Aedes spp. |
Inward infection | blood-feeding of human |
Organ | midgut, thoracic muscle, proboscis |
Reproduction | |
Course |
Detection | |
Outward transmission | blood-feeding of human through proboscis |
Definitive host | |
Category | HUMAN |
Latin | |
Inward infection | blood-feeding by mosquito |
Organ | lymphatics, blood stream |
Reproduction | sexual |
Course |
Detection |
Outward transmission | blood-feeding by mosquito |
Wuchereria bancrofti
Intermediate host | |
Category | mosquito, female |
Latin | Aedes spp., Anopheles spp., Culex spp., Mansonia spp., Coquillettida juxtamansonia |
Inward infection | blood-feeding of human |
Organ | midgut, thoracic muscle, proboscis |
Reproduction | |
Course |
Detection | |
Outward transmission | blood-feeding of human through proboscis |
Definitive host | |
Category | HUMAN |
Latin | |
Inward infection | blood-feeding by mosquito |
Organ | lymphatics, blood stream |
Reproduction | sexual |
Course |
Detection |
Outward transmission | blood-feeding by mosquito |
mass drug administration MDA
- Diethylcarbamazepine (DEC) 6mg/kg only once for all inhabitant in endemic area
- repeated several consecutive years